Tuesday, October 17, 2017

My boyfriend blocked me on Facebook after an argument, what should I do?

So, your boyfriend blocked you on Facebook and you are sitting wondering what to do. First of all, if I were you, I wouldn't worry too much about it.  I will tell you why.

Before I get into detail and all into the mushy emotional stuff. Let me just bring out a scenario so that you can overstated me a little bit more.

Let's just say for instance:

You and your boyfriend are on the phone and the conversation is going smooth. There is laughter and there are jokes being said. You guys are talking on politics and what movies to watch next. Then, you guys get on the subject of money and how much you need it and what steps that will be taken to get more of it. All of a sudden, he tells you that you're crazy and starts laughing jokingly. So you ask him, "why you say that? I',m not crazy. I just be putting you on blast by speaking my mind". Then he goes on and say that you be tripping for no reason. Then gives an example of when you started tripping on him last week about him not wanting to talk on the phone.

And you know where this conversation is going. So both of you go back and forth. Both of you start brining up things from two weeks to months ago. Then it really starts getting fired up in the conversation. All of a sudden, he hangs up on you. All of a sudden you realize that he blocks you on Facebook and you're looking like hmmmm, okay.

I bet you want to call him and ask him why he blocked you on Facebook, right? Or do you want to be petty and block his number?

Either way it goes, don't do none of these. I'll tell you why.

Let Him Be

First of all, any man you are dating that blocks you on social media because of an argument is a bitch. I'm just sorry. He is not a real man, because a real man knows how to communicate with his woman. And if he is the type that always blocks you and others on Facebook, then add you back when things are good, then he is definitely the problem. Him blocking you is not very mature and shows that he doesn't care about you too much.

If he is quick to avoid conflict and not face it, it shows that he will always avoid problems and not face them when it comes to you, family and friends. This is the kind of man that jumps from person to person, friends to friends, family to family because he isn't man enough to handle things accordingly. He sticks around when things are sweet, then disown you as if he never met you when things get sour.

A man like this is manipulating and probably never see's what he did or does wrong, but what others do or did to him.

I don't care what the argument is about. I don't care who's fault it is, you simply do not block someone on social media or the phone if you truly care about them or love them. Fights happen, so talk about it and deal with it.

Just let him be!

If you know for a fact that you want to get married one day and your boyfriend handles your mistake or arguments Nobody is perfect, including him. You need a man that doesn't overreact over a simple question, answer or conversation. You don't need a man that freaks out and curse at you or disrespects you and blocks you on social media or the phone everytime he gets mad or annoyed by you.

I'm just being honest! Just like Future, you want a future, so leave him.

Leave His Ass 

Become unavailable to him . When he adds you back on social media or phone. Do not respond to his texts nor accept his friend request.  If he truly cares and loves you, trust me, he will freak out and do whatever it takes to get you back. He will do things that he doesn't normally do. He will even tell you that he will never block you again. And if you take him back and he does block you again, then you know for sure it's not going to work, because you do not need a man who acts in a passive aggressive manner.

Any more questions? Leave your comment below.

Monday, September 25, 2017

5 Definite Ways on How to Keep Him Crazy About Me

Getting him is the easy part, but to keep him interested, well that is another part that not so many women seem to get. In this article, I will tell you how to keep him crazy about you.

Hmm, let me see. I've been there before maybe two or three times. Honestly speaking, I sometimes wonder how is it that he's so in love with me or it is not really true that he is interested because .... let's face it, I'm difficult. Besides that, am I really that interesting?

Okay, truth of the matter is that I am interesting. I am worth someone loving. I am beautiful, and most important I am myself.

You see, that's just it..... YOU HAVE TO BE YOURSELF!

Let me explain.

5 Definite Ways on How to Keep Him Crazy About You

  • Well, the first advice is to be yourself. Nobody wants to be around someone that is fake or tries to be something they're not. When you are yourself, you are giving the other person a piece of you and your world. You are inviting that person to the authentic you. And that my friend is something very interesting. So, no matter if you're goofy, funny, crazy, boring, or weird, when you give him the real you, he has the option to take it or leave it, no second guessing. 

  • The second advice is to be spontaneous. Okay, we all know when we first meet a guy, we try our best to be fun and outside of the box. We try to find lots of things to do, right? Well, truth is, you don't have to spend tons of money to be spontaneous. You can still be yourself while being spontaneous. For example, I am into poetry and art. So, if I were to meet a guy, I would definitely take him to an art museum or to a poetry cafe or I may show him some of my paintings that I've done. Shoot, I may even get some blank canvas's from Walmart, paint brushes and some paint and we will paint together. 

This is what being spontaneous is all about. It's about thinking outside of the box while still being yourself. A lot of women may believe that being spontaneous is all about being sexy, for example making up a dance move to a song to dance for him for his birthday, but honey, that's not all to it. Yes, that will definitely get his penis aroused and get him super excited, but that's not all to it when it comes to being spontaneous.

  • The third advice is to be classy, but also a freak.  You've heard of the term, "I want a lady that's freaky in the bed"? Well, to keep him interested, you have to be classy in public, but a freak with only him. I'm not here to brag, but when people first see me, my swag is always low key, seductive, sexy and beautiful. It's almost as if I'm mysterious, especially when I'm with a large crowd. When I dress up, I go an extra mile (that's just my personality) . The flip side of this is that, when you really get to know me, I'm talkative, not quiet and I''m quite freaky if I really like you. 

  • The fourth advice is to not be a gold digger but a goal digger. Did you read that correctly? If not, go back and read it again. A guy will go crazy over a woman that is about her business and have goals, not just looking for a hand out. 

  • The fifth advice is to allow him to be hisself. You'd be surprised at how all men have a shield over their body when they first meet a woman. The idea is for the women to help them take off the shield piece by piece. How can she do that? Well, a man has to trust you in order to feel like he can take off his shield so that you can see the real him. Once you take off his entire suit, that's when you know you've got him. 

There you have it! What are your thoughts on this list? Are you ready to get him more crazy about you? Then you have to check out "Girl Get's Ring". 

Monday, September 4, 2017

You can't choose a man, he has to choose you

You can't choose a man, he has to choose you. Do not get this statement confused with a man proposing to you, you not proposing to him. They are totally different. I will explain.

It is a known fact that men fall deeper than women do. So wouldn't you want to be the woman he falls deeply in love with?

Here is the thing. If you choose a man, there is a slight chance he will not love you, cherish you, admire you, and treat you the way he would treat the woman that he absolutely chooses to love, cherish, admire, and be with. He will more than likely treat you like an option or a side chick.

You know what I mean, because I'm sure you've been through this before and it SUCKS doesn't it?

I see it all of the time. You rush into relationships because you the fact of being "alone". You wonder if you will ever FIND A MAN to love you. Uh... stop right there.

This is where you mess up.

What you do want is for your PURPOSE MAN TO FIND YOU".

Women are Goddesses and men are kings. Haven't you watched Aladdin or any other king or queen love stories? The king always finds his wife. It's not the other way around. Now, whether he proposes to her is a different story (I might write about this later), but you know the difference between a man deeply in love and a man that just messes around.

The energy is different. His words are different. His attitude is different. His actions are different. You don't need to be a scientist to know that the energy doesn't lie and the action definitely doesn't lie.

For me, I rather be with a man that loves me more than I love him. The realness of his love and appreciation of me is just surreal. It's authentic and genuine. And I never have to wonder or fight my thoughts on thinking if he truly loves me and am i the only one he is with.

When a man chooses you, it's 100/100 in a relationship. You build each other up even through the worse. You pray for each other. You treat each other with respect and appreciate each other through words and actions. There will never be a slight thought that he is cheating or whether or not he's using you. Both of you will use each other in ways that better one another. He will make it known that he chooses you, only you. If you just met or been dating for a month or so, he will let go of all of his other chics, just for you.

This is the key if ya'll just started dating.

Now, to keep him interested and to keep on choosing you is another ball game. T-Dub's 30 minute video kind of gives you the rope on how to do that. But you must be willing to sit and watch for 30 minutes. Are you up for it? Here it is.

If your purpose mate was standing right in front of you, could you recognize them?

If your purpose mate was standing right in front of you, could you recognize them?

I saw this question on Instagram by relationship preparation educator April Mason this morning and it sparked my curiosity. I really want to know your thoughts on this question as I am going to give my two scents by my personal experience.

Honestly, I know who my purpose mate is. However, there was a time where I didn't want him to be.

Why? you ask.....

Well, I did not want him to be my purpose mate simply because I felt as though I ran out of love for him. I felt like the spark that was once there vanished. I felt as though I hadn't lived my life completely to be with just "one" man. I wanted to explore. I wanted to know if there was a better man out there for me besides him. I wanted to know if I could meet a man that respected me, cherished me, had my back, never gave up on me,  spoiled me, took care of the household and sexed me down better than him.

Sadly to say, most of these men out here aren't shit. Matter of fact, most of them can't deal with me the way my purpose mate deals with me. Most of them are selfish, lazy, do not know how to hustle, do not take care of their responsibilities, and want a woman to take care of them. and not reciprocate. Not to mention the drama. Most of them had to much drama going on in their lives.

See, I agree with April when she spoke about women/men that "subconsciously gravitate toward people who have a lot of drama, foolishness and confusion going on in their lives".

At one point in time, I use to be that girl whom loved to be around drama, even though I acted as if I hated it. By my surroundings and my attitude, you could tell that I was a drama queen. To be honest,  I was so into drama and hate that when my purpose mate entered my life and refused to leave, I felt uncomfortable. I felt uncomfortable the way he held me, desired me, appreciated me, caressed me, took care of me, respected me, cared for me, loved me and how much he had my back. I felt uncomfortable with all of the great things he brought into my life. I felt uncomfortable with how much we were meant for each other. For some reason, I felt as though he was too perfect for me and he deserved someone better than me.

It took a long time for me to realize that he is the man God chose for me. I did not have to choose him. Matter of fact, in my article "You can't choose a man, he has to choose you", I explain what this means.

Maybe you are the kind of person that gravitate toward the needy. Once they get stable, they don't need your service anymore. Or maybe you gravitate toward aggressiveness and violence. Whatever the case is, if you are gravitating toward negativity, it is time to change "you", because you are who you attract.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

How to increase chemistry in your relationship

Think chemistry in relationships is something that “just happens?” If you do, the truth might surprise you. Sure, you probably can’t create chemistry where none exists, but if that initial spark is there, there’s plenty you can do to fan the flames.

Understand what chemistry is!

If you’ve never really felt strong chemistry with another person, it can be hard to get an idea of what it is. What most people call chemistry is a sense that the two of you are just meant to be together. You’re both perfectly at ease with each other and have a strong physical attraction for each other. While it might have something to do with looks and pheromones, most of it is mental. It comes from you and your sweetie having the same beliefs, dreams, and maybe even habits and pet peeves.

Develop a rapport!

Before you can build up any chemistry, you need to have a good rapport first. If you’ve only seen each other for one or two dates, that rapport may not quite be there yet. To create it, look for a conversation topic you can really bond over. Just make sure it’s something pleasant and low-stress, though. You may discover you both love discussing ways to end famine in Africa, but that subject doesn’t help your partner associate you with pleasure and fun.

Use humor!

Laughter is not only fun, it also makes us feel at ease with another person. You don’t have to be a professional comedian. Even an attempt at humor in your own style can work. Just keep it clean and neutral so you don’t offend your date right off the bat.

Adrenaline is your friend!

Studies have shown that couples who met in an exciting situation—whether pleasurable or not—tend to find each other more attractive. More so than couples who met under normal circumstances. It works because the mind associates any excitement with the person we’re with at the time and mistakes it for physical attraction. Make use of this by planning a date that will get the adrenaline pumping like a scary movie, a rollercoaster ride, or even whitewater rafting.

Express yourself!

You can’t have chemistry in relationships with people who don’t know the real you. Instead of keeping your opinions to yourself in hopes of hiding anything your partner might not like about you, make it a point to share your thoughts and feelings about important issues. Sometimes just a single off-hand comment can make your date fall for you hard.

Enhance the physical!

Some tips for how to increase chemistry in relationships will tell you to touch your date on the knee or arm early on. You want to be careful with that, though. Get physical too early on and you could just end up turning your partner off. Instead, start by just talking about what physical features you each find most attractive in the opposite sex and then using the info you gain to your advantage.

Chemistry in relationships may be mysterious and hard to control, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help it along a little. Make sure you start with a good rapport, throw in a little humor and excitement and you’ll be off to a good start.

Get what you want from your man

You will be surprise at how the way you say things will convince your man to listen to what you have to say. That little voice that you have must be direct and strong enough for him to listen or take you serious. Too many relationships are in trouble, because the man doesn’t want to open up and you don’t know how to say what you want. Truth is, the man does want to open up, and he is actually dying to open up.

The only reason he’s not opening up is because somewhere along the conversation is miscommunication.  Are you struggling with communication with your man? Have your tried everything to get him to open up to you?  If so, I may be able to help.

I don’t know of the methods you have used to get try to get your man to open up, but it’s obvious he hasn’t changed. “What am I doing wrong” you ask? The problem is that you have found your voice. What voice am I talking about Saytue? Let me explain it to you.

Let’s say for instance you and your man are at the crib and you want him to give you some money to go shopping. What are you going to say? How are you going say it? These are the types of questions you should be asking yourself. Are you going to say in the middle of him watching the Ravens , “can I get $150”? That’s not going to work, because first of all he’s watching his favorite Football team, so he is not paying you any attention.  For two, all he hears is $150, so he definitely not going to hear you.

Ok, a second example. Let’s say both of you are home in the bed chilling about to go to sleep. As you get in bed, you start a conversation by asking him how his day went at work, school, or whatever. As you guys are talking, you bring up your day and tell him how it went. As you continue talking, you ask him, “Baby, can I get $150. I really want these new pair of shoes , but I don’t have it like that right now”.  What do you think his answer will be? More than likely, he will say yes, because you had a conversation with him and you were direct about what you had to say.

See, whenever you come off to guy like you’re hiding something and not direct, you will never get what you want. Same as when having an argument, you cannot be shy to voice your opinion about something with your man. Having that voice is what makes conversation juicy. Learn to have a voice and I promise you, you will get him to open up.

How to get him to open up emotionally

Do you want to get your man to open up emotionally?

I admit, it is kind of hard to get a man to open up. I say that because I see a lot of girls struggling with it. I don’t have this problem, but that’s not to say that I’m perfect. It just means that I am here to help you get your man to open up to you.

Getting a man to open up is like one of the best feelings in the world. It shows that he trusts you enough to tell you some of his biggest secrets, fears, and passion about things. And let’s face it, it also shows that he love us enough to give his all into communicating.

The way a guy talks to his woman and the way he talks to his guys is totally different. When your man talks to his friends, his friends are more playful, rough, direct, and most importantly, they have a tone that wakes him up.

Having a soft spoken voice isn’t always the best way, sometimes you have to have that base and directness to get your point across the way you want it. It is so funny, because I was talking to my fiancé yesterday about his friends and he was saying how one of his friends never sits still. It’s like he has to get up and do something. He even stands up and talks, and pace around like he’s in jail or something. And I was telling him about my father and how he’s always on the go, because he’s a business man. Then, he starts laughing and tells me that I’m one of his homies, and I immediately started giggling, because I knew exactly what that meant.

See, when a guy tells his woman that she’s one of his homies, that’s a big deal. That means that you are speaking to him just like how his friends talk to him and that makes him interested in listening to what you have to say. It’s like ya’ll two are best friends. This is how you want your relationship to be with your man. In order to get your man to open up, you have to talk to him the way his friends talk to him. This is what you do; pay attention to how he and his boys talk. You will be surprise at how they say things, when they say things and what they say to each other.

Facebook Match Dating Tips 101

In this article, I will try my best to give you some really good Facebook dating tips. Whether you are single or you really want to get your ex back, these tips I will be giving is your Facebook use only, so please don’t attempt to try them using other social networks. You will see why in a minute.

As usual, I’m always down to help heart breakers and those that think their situation seem hopeless. And even if your situation is not hopeless and you think you’re it, it’s best not to seem that way. Truth is, you are what you think, ok.

Facebook Dationg Tips 101

Firstly, when you’re sexy, you’re sexy. You don’t have to announce it every time you upload a new photo. Also, naked pictures of you may impress, but it will impress the wrong crowd and will result in getting private messages that are sexually insulting or even worst- a stalker. So, make sure you are careful.

When you are interested in someone, that means someone else may be interested in them and they probably receive message all of the time. So, with that being said, it’s imperative you stand out above the rest. How do you stand out? Your profile has to stand out, and I’m talking about your picture. Again, no naked pictures.

After they look at your profile picture, they will go straight to your about me page. Be as creative as possible without being too serious and no cursing. Make sure you mention these 5 things:

1. No relationship status
2. Sex
3. Religion
4. Birthday
5. Add a short bio about yourself

Everything is vice versa here. If you were the one searching, you’d want to look for all of these things. Mentioning you’re single ensures that you are desperate. Make sure you disable this part, so that they can be curious in finding out if you are or not.

Knowing the gender is good; because it lets you know whether or not that person is gay or a transsexual.

Knowing a person’s religion will give you a sense of wholeness, because some people will not date outside of their religion. It’s just good to know whether or not that person has the same views as you do.

Some people are really into zodiac signs and believe in what is meant to be type stuff. Knowing a person’s birthday will automatically help you know what you are up against, what kind of personality they hold.

When you read a person’s bio, look for key interest and what they write about. Both of you may be into music or Journalism. These types of things matter when looking for someone that is ideal to you.
I wouldn’t say look at whether or not they graduated from college or high school, because even drop outs can become wealthy. So, no don’t focus on that.

Once social proof I will tell you is a secret, but since I’m your friend, I will tell you anyway. Pss, take a few pictures with nice looking girls or boys around you and all of you are having fun and laughing. This will get their attention right away, because it shows that people like you. Also, if you have a really cool hobby, show it in your pictures. If you have pictures with celebrities, show them to.
The number one tip is make sure your Facebookl page is private and doesn’t allow random folk to check your page. This will definitely get them curious and will get them to request you as a friend.
Final Thoughts on the Subject
If you are in a broken relationship and is looking for new people to date, because you hate being by yourself, I'd say this is the wrong approach. Don't go searching for someone new because you can't stand being alone. All you're going to do is bring old relationship problems to the new one, and that's not what you want. Work it out with your ex by applying the right moves and don't even think about sounding desperate either.

What are your thoughts and please share:-)

Facebook bad breakup tips

Hey, it’s your friend Saytue again. In this section, I will give you tips on how to deal with a bad breakup on Facebook after you’ve been dumped. You may be angry or very heartbroken, but the fact of the matter is that it will be very tempting to do these things. Please don’t do these 3 things:

1.       Delete them as your friend
2.       Leave nasty comments on their wall or inbox
3.       Mention anything ya’ll talked about on your wall
4.       Consistently tell them how sorry you are and you want them back
5.       Spying on them

Most people will delete you as their Facebook friend when you are a bully or you caused drama on their page or called them out their name. These are all good reasons to delete someone, but deleting you ex just because they broke your heart is not a good approach, because at the end of the day, you would’ve wish you never done it simply because you will want to check their status or if their page is private, you won’t be able to communicate with them.  So, no, do not delete them as your friend. Besides, deleting your ex is a very immature move, and you’re an adult right? My point exactly.

Now you know, whenever you leave comment on somebody’s wall, all of their friends will see it, and if they comment on it, their friends will be able to comment, then when their friends comment, their friends  will be able to see it and comment and so on. Don’t ever leave a nasty comment on your ex wall, because this will show you to be disrespectful and a complete turn off. Be mature and never post anything negative, just in case they want to get back together. Don’t mess it up.

People are naturally nosy, especially on Facebook. Besides, it’s not a good idea to put your business out there, especially relationship, because you never know who is paying attention. Maybe that other person is waiting for you to mess up just to make a move on your ex. Remember, you don’t want any competitions. Keep low as possible.

OMG! I don’t care who you are, no one likes a desperate ass person who is full of excuses. Instead of saying sorry and constantly trying to explain yourself in their inbox (which might cause them to delete you anyway), simply say what you have to say one time and make it short, then never bring it up. This will have them thinking on what you told them.

Your ex will not have an idea whether or not you’re spying on them, but it will bother you and drive you nuts when you do. Eventually, they may say something that get you feeling depressed.
Breakups are only bad if you make them bad. There is still a change for you to win your ex back after a bad breakup, but if you follow my instruction you should be together in no time.

He can be deeply in love and not commit

A guy can be very attracted and deeply in love with you, but STILL not want to move the relationship forward.
“Omg! This is crazy and has happened to me before”. Is this what you’re saying? This is probably happening to you right now. Truth is, more relationships are dragging 7 or more years and the women are becoming very impatient waiting for men to get their head strait. Believe me, it is not his head and it’s not his heart either.
Truth is men don’t process like us women do. This is why it’s important to understand men and how they function. When a man meets you and goes on a date with you, everything is processing as fast as a stop light. The majority of men don’t know how to process their feelings accurately, but they do know how to feel. You better believe that these feelings dictate much of his actions.
These actions are based on the traffic signal, green, yellow, and red.
Green light- His gut is telling him there is nothing to worry about.
Yellow light- His gut is telling him to slow down, because there may be caution.
Red light- This light is basically telling him there is something wrong. In most cases he won’t be able to explain it.
A man’s light is subject to change quite frequently when he first meet you. That’s why it’s important to play the game right or else you might lose the opportunity of him moving further in the relationship.
The whole point is to get him green fast and let him stay there for a period of time, because once you have him green, he will stay green without ultimatums needed or manipulation tactics. You will feel so freaking awesome, because deep inside your heart you know that he’s with you for real and not because of some trick.

You are probably curious about the green, yellow, and red light stage. What if you suspect your guy is yellow or red? What can you do about it?
Want to skip ahead of the others?

Dealing with love

When you are dealing with love, nothing negative will ever get pass it. Why? Because, love is too strong for that. Love will break a bridge. Love will cut down a tree. Love will swallow a gallon of milk in whole and say, “yea, I did it”. Love is everything to you, and everything to me. Without love you’re lost, so if you’re saying you can do without, I know you’re lying.

Love is something special. Love is not to be played with. Love can cause disaster, if you’re using it the wrong way.

Love is pure as water. Yes, you can see right through it. Love is very shallow and can be visible to the darkest night. Love can ease the most troublesome mind, and break up the bags that cover a solid rock. Love is so powerful, and you want a piece it.

Don’t deny your love for love. Don’t just sit there and let the one you love walk away in front of you. With love you must do everything in your power to make them understand how much their loved and appreciated.

Love will makes you do the craziest things, like stutter throughout your entire apologies or make you go to their momma house and talk to them about your love to them. Love is very solid and is unlike to be unbreakable.

Love is not fear, it 100% confidence and risky. If love is not here, then it’s probably there. Love is in space; sometimes it takes time to visually see it. Love is you and them together in one.
Love is not deniable. Don’t continue reading this and deny your love. If you love them, then fight for their love, especially if they love you to.

Love doesn’t hold back tears. Love lets it all out. Love lives by courage and not by harm. Don’t wait another second, and lose this love you have. If you really want it, then you must give it a try.

I know what they told you. Yes, I know what they said. Do you honestly believe them when they told you, they don’t love you anymore? Did you believe them when they told you they hated you?
See, love is so powerful, that none of these things can take affect right away. To love and win, I encourage you to stand up and say, “I will win” and then go for it. Don’t hold back. Just go and win them back.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Spell to find your soulmate - the guide

Dear Reader,

I see that you are looking for a spell to find your soul mate. Are you wanting a spell that defines your love in the near future? I have good news for you, because this spell I have specifically for you is a very special gift that only you will use to bring your soul mate into reality.

There are quite a few spells. Even though there are directions on how to do it. However, the real magic is based on your own creativity. If you can believe it, then you will feel it in your heart and feel the warmth with your passion. You can ask your God to send you your soul mate, but let's me real, you will have to do the work.

Ask and you shall receive. Give and then take. The true love spell is to clear your mind of negative thoughts. Free your body of everything that is making you tensed.

Ask your angels to protect you with the smell of scented candles or incense. Don't think about your past or future. Focus on the "now".  While you are thinking, picture him in your mind.. Picture a golden light glowing around him. Walk toward the light and touch him with all your might.  Give it a squeeze and feel how much love it gives you.

While all of this awesomeness and calmness and overwhelming sensation  is moving throughout your body, you will feel big bright light siting on your chest. It's okay to smile.

Meditation is the cure for a broken heart. It replenishes your soul and heals your scars in finding your soul mate. When you are in a clear state of mind, you will attract your soul mate. Your own spiritual growth is the spell to find your soul mate. It starts with you to do the work though.

After you've done this spell, own your soul mate by doing the work.

Do yourself a favor and watch this 30 minutes video in showing you how to get him to commit and propose to you.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

I want to get married now

Seems like you're ready to get married. Marriage is a huge step and if you are totally ready, I'm happy for you and here with you to help you every step of the way. Go for it!

Do you have a man a man in your life to marry?

If not, it's okay. Do not hive up. I believe in you, which means it's time to believe in yourself, because believing is what separates success from failure. When you believe, that means you are willing to wait patiently. Haven't you notice whenever you rush into things, you tend to make mistakes? Getting married is the same way.

Remember: You cannot choose a man, he has to choose you.

I understand your frustration to get married now. It's like you are feeling as if it doesn't happen now, it will never happen, right?


Stop thinking like that. You are better than that. If you continue to think like this, you will repeat the cycle of your other FAILED relationships .

BUMMBER! Do you notice the trend?

If you are ready to get married, my suggestion to you is this:

If you are not happy being single. You will never be truly happy in a relationship. Matter of fact, if you have children, you will not enjoy your children like you should, because you are so focused on a getting a man, keeping a man and you will more like likely snuggle him too tight that he will eventually need some time to breathe away from you. Honestly, he will not respect you and love you like you should be loved.

Get your own life first, then share it. I promise you, it works.

Sorry sweetie, the way you're doing it simply isn't working. Just because you do everything for him doesn't mean he will commit to you and marry you. Just because you him first before yourself or your children doesn't mean he will respect you or love you. Just because you help build him up, doesn't mean he will stick with you if he's not willing to build himself up with you. Do you get it?

It takes a lot more to understand men and how they think in a relationship. And if you want to get married now or in a year, I encourage you to prove it by getting to know him first and not rush it.

If you are dating, understand him better and I promise you, he will marry you.

Why do I need a man to feel complete and how do I stop it?

Are the type of girl that need a man to make her feel complete? Smh at you because you are in for a big surprise.  The term “you complete me” is a very dangerous statement.  It causes breakups, unhappiness and is insanity. The incomplete woman tends to look for love in all the wrong places. She sees Mr. right in every face and come off as needy. The messed up thing about being an incomplete girl is that it merrily attracts men who are looking to take advantage of your neediness. It sucks but true.

You don’t understand how this topic makes me so angry. I have to deal with this problem everyday, because I have a close friend that is an “incomplete girl”. It truly breaks my heart to know that she is the type of female that hates being by herself and she needs to be with a man to feel whole.  And don’t get me started, because all of her relationships always fail for this one reason.

How do you stop being an incomplete girl?

This is so simple, but I know it’s going to be hard to change if you are an incomplete girl First of all, you must go out and explore yourself. Enjoy yourself by discovery who you really are. Many people don’t know who they are and what they really love to do. If you can adventure by yourself and enjoy every moment of it BY YOURSELF, you will attract more men that that are complete themselves than a woman that is incomplete, which will never attract a complete man.

A complete man and woman are people that are confident within themselves, know exactly what they want, and have values. A complete person knows that they’re already complete and they don’t need anyone to make them feel like they are completed.

Once you master this behavior, you will never have to worry about men taking advantage of you, because they are incomplete themselves.  There is so much more to learn about yourself when you’re single. Take advantage of it and explore yourself, love yourself. Stop being the woman men use and reuse and start being the woman men admire and love.

My boyfriend blocked me on Facebook after an argument, what should I do?

So, your boyfriend blocked you on Facebook and you are sitting wondering what to do. First of all, if I were you, I wouldn't wor...